Supported Templates

CartDevKit currently support the following templates;

  • Backend (JavaScript, TypeScript)

  • Frontend (React, NestJS)

  • Cartesify (Backend(TS, JS) and Frontend(React & Nextjs))

Backend Templates:

CartDevKit supports backend templates in various programming languages, including JavaScript, and TypeScript. Each backend template comes with a basic project structure and configuration files.

Frontend Templates

Frontend templates are available for popular frameworks such as React, and NestJS. These templates include components, routing, and styling to kickstart front-end development.

Cartesify Templates

Cartesify templates integrate the Cartesi platform for both backend and frontend development. These templates enable developers to build scalable and secure applications using Cartesi's REST API technology.

Future Plans

We plan to provide support for more frontend templates like Vue, and Angular and Backend templates like, Rust, Go, and Python.

We also plan to provide support for mobile templates like (React Native with Expo and without Expo, Flutter)

This will enable us to meet the needs of the different sets of developers in the community.

Last updated